Current Projects

Stonedrummer EP

I’ve always loved making music, even when I wasn’t working with any artists. It’s in my soul to dig for samples, pick up the guitar and play the keys. Since I haven’t worked with an artist since 2015, I’ve had very little motivation to work on any music project, it’s been mostly films and commercials.

However, in January 2022 something clicked. I NEEDED to make music again.

I started tinkering with a few samples, a few guitar riffs. I made hip hop, trap, rock, soul. It was a time of breakthroughs for me. However, about 3 months into this project my father unexpectedly passed away. There were so many tough days, and the music was all I had. I’m thankful that I had this outlet, and I’ve poured everything I have into this album. It will definitely be dedicated to my dad.

This project has been unlike anything I’ve worked on previously. It’s got a little of everything that I find inspiring from hip hop, punk, old school, new school, and psychedelic rock. Since it’s mostly instrumental, I had to make the tracks short with lots of transitions. I tried singing a few lines, but it’s not a vocal album by any means.

About 70 beats later I whittled in down to seven tracks, fifteen minutes in length for my first solo EP.

My next steps are to get it on the streaming platforms and hopefully in the hands and ears of artists, producers, tastemakers, and anyone else who wants to work and collab. Let’s go!